Wednesday, September 29, 2010


So the latest news around here is chicken pox. Mabel's son came down with chicken pox first. She called all of us to let us know he had chicken pox since all of the kids had been playing together that previous weekend. My first thought was, "Didn't get the vaccine?" Yes, he had. But apparently that doesn't keep everyone from getting it. And apparently my daughter is one of them. Elizabeth came down with chicken pox yesterday. She and Grace are both home. Grace only has a few but Elizabeth has lots of them!

I was opposed to this vaccine. As a new mom, I wasn't educated on all the different vaccines that my son would get. When they went to give the chicken pox vaccine, I laughed. Seriously, chicken pox. Yes, the doctor told me. People die from the chicken pox. I laughed again. I loved having the chicken pox. It was the best sickness I had ever had. I got a whole week off of school and I felt fantastic, except for some itching. I let him convince me to give it to Bubs and then the other two as well.

When I told Elizabeth she had chicken pox, she cried. She tends to be dramatic. I told her to get excited. She just got a free pass from school for an entire week and will get to stay home and play all day long! She stopped crying.


  1. It's all a matter of perspective! I still can't believe she got 'em! So strange. I hope you're both enjoying the week! You'll be ready to send her back on Monday, I'm sure. ;-)

  2. My Vi also got CP even after having the vaccine. Annoying.
