Monday, March 29, 2010

Are you in or are you out?

For the past year, BC and I have been trying to move to another state. One that is warmer and cheaper to live in. After we made the decision, we didn't waste any time. We put our house on the market and BC started looking for jobs. We thought for sure that BC would find a job before the house would sell. Yes, the job market is in the toilet but we thought the housing market was in the sewer. Apparently here in R-town, the housing market was just on the rim of the toilet and not inside. Our house sold quickly and we set a record for our street on how much a house is worth in that area. Unfortunately, BC has still not found a job in our warmer, cheaper state. Right now we are renting an 1100 square foot cottage (really it's a house but it sounds better when I call it the cottage). We have almost all of our stuff in storage and we are living with the bare minimum. I mean bare! It's been an adventure.

When we announced we were moving, many people wanted to get together with us for "the last time". We did. One friend wanted to throw a going away party for us. I was against this idea but she was quite insistant. She picked a date close to our house closing, assuming we would be moving to NC soon after. As the date got closer, I got more and more uncomfortable with the idea. What was she going to tell people, "Come celebrate the fact that BC and BC-ette sold their house and don't know where they are going to live!" We didn't know at that time where we were going. Thankfully the "going away" party turned into a let's "help them pack" party. Only a few people were invited.

After a while, we had said all of our "possible goodbyes". At that point we stopped socializing. We had reasons in this order:

1. I hate saying goodbye. One time is enough.

2. We were leaving at any moment so who could make plans for next week when you might be moving!

3. It became awkward that we were still here!

4. And didn't I say goodbye to you already?

It's been a year since we decided to move and not much has changed except for not having a home of our own, or our things. This past week, I have made a conscious decision to get back in the game. Make plans, socialize, see people and remind them, yes, I am still here! So I'm in. At least until there is a job prospect that makes me feel confident we are going.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

April Fool's Idea

I came up with a great April Fool's joke to play on my dad. Here's the background:

My younger brother's name is George. I call him George because he reminds me so much of George O'Malley from Grey's Anatomy. He's on the shorter side, athletic, kind, sweet, girls love him, and he is studying to be a doctor. He can be a little clueless sometimes yet he's brillant. George and I are thirteen years apart in age. As the older sister, I find it my duty to harrass him whenever possible. Recently George skipped out on Bubs and Grace's birthday party. He had a medical test to study for. My response is, you knew about this party for over a month. Plan ahead!

I must have complained to my dad about George missing the party. Dad probably asked about George being at the party and I probably made a smart remark like the one above. My dad then intreprets this as me being mad at George. Last week my dad and George had lunch. As my dad is driving home he calls me.

Dad: George thinks you are mad at him.
Me: I am mad at him.
Dad: Don't be mad at him about not coming to the party.
Me: I'm not really mad, I just like to give George a hard time. This is my right you know.
Dad: But George thinks you are really mad. He says you aren't returning his phone calls and texts.
Me: What??? I haven't had any calls from him.
Dad: Don't be mad a George. You should talk to him.
Me: I am talking to him.
Dad: Don't be mad at George.
Me: Dad, I am talking to him. In fact, we are having dinner with George and Celebrity Julia (his girlfriend who I will talk about another time) on Saturday.
Dad: Oh, you are? Hey maybe mom and I should come too. No, maybe you guys should have dinner alone and make up.
Me: Why don't you and mom come to dinner so you can see that everything is fine.

Celebrity Julia and I were making the plans for dinner through email. I was responding back about some of the details and said, "Let George know I am not mad at him. Apparently Dad is worried that we aren't speaking and that I am not returning his calls." George's response was, "oh Dad....." George knows my dad hates it when there is any tension between any of his kids. Dad makes it a bigger deal than it really is.

We all went to dinner on Saturday night. As we were saying goodbye to George and Celebrity Julia, I told them about my great April Fool's Day idea. I'm thinking about calling my Dad and telling him I'm never talking to George again and while we're at it, Elaine (my sister) really ticks me off too!! George laughed so hard and said, "Dad would totally have a heart attack. That would be so funny!!! You've got to do it! "

My only concern is my dad will think it's serious and never get the part that it's a joke.

Friday, March 19, 2010

School Graveyard

I do not intend to make this blog about Grace but she provides me with such great blog fodder! It's amazing!

Thursday when I went to pick her up, she pointed out a hole in the school yard.
Grace: See this hole, Jania (another kindergartner) said that the lunch lady that died, her body is in there.
Me: What??? Where did Jania hear this?
Grace: From the principal
Me: Really!

On Friday, the hole was filled in. I see one of the administrators and say to him, "Grace told me the cafeteria lady is buried in that hole." He just laughs. I look at him like, "please tell me she isn't". I don't know what came over me that I needed this reassurance. It was so stupid. He reassured me she was not buried there and it was a crazy thought. Embarrassed, I say, "Of course not. First it would be illegal to bury her in the school yard." Did I really just say that??? OMG! If that wasn't bad enough, I add, "And second, the hole isn't big enough to fit her.". I think he thinks I'm crazy and I think I think that too!!! What possessed me at that moment! A bunch of crazy, that's what!

I plan to get some sleep this weekend and hope the crazy totally goes away!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

It's a beautiful day here in R-Town. I decided I would swing by Dunkin Donuts for my second "free medium coffee Wednesday" and then take a walk in the kid's school neighborhood. Upon arriving at the school, I noticed a lot of cars, buses and as I got closer, kids. It finally clicked in my head that today was early dismissal day. Every Wednesday is, as long as I can remember to pick them up. I remembered free coffee Wednesday, just not early dismissal Wednesday. I have my priorities straight. Thank goodness I was going for a walk otherwise I would have gotten the phone call that I forgot my children (again) and would have had to do the walk of shame along with being scolded severely by my children.

Grace educated me on Leprechauns while taking a walk this afternoon. I grew up in an Irish home and yet she told me things I didn't know. My adopted dad is off the boat Irish. Actually off the plane. He hails from Kildare, Ireland, one of the most beautiful places in the world. We learned a lot about the Irish growing up (things like their stubbornness, tempers, boiled food, good beer, etc) but I don't remember this concept of trapping the Leprechaun. Apparently Grace's class set a trap. During their Great Beginnings time, the shoes of a Leprechaun were found!! She was disappointed that they didn't catch him but excited they had a piece of him. According to Grace, there was a "fire bell" and when they came back, the shoes were missing. The Leprechaun had stolen his shoes back along with some candy. As she explained, "The Leprechaun set off the fire bell and stole his shoes and candy!" Some of the staff members said they agreed with Grace's theory since they did not know they were going to have a fire drill this afternoon. I learned something new this St. Patrick's Day.

Happy St. Patricks Day to my good friend Mary Frances and my dad, the true Leprechaun (he seriously looked like one in his 20's).

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Celebrating Spring

I set out in my mind that I was going to be disciplined today. I was going to avoid going to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. We as a family are going to try and cut back our expenses. The kids don't know this just yet and won't be excited! I made my iced coffee at home this morning, trying to be disciplined. I was doing great until I picked the kids up from school. It was almost 60 degrees outside and sunny. I had the sun roof open, breeze blowing and feeling great. The kids also were super excited it was warm out. Grace says, "Hey we should celebrate spring and go to Dunkin Donuts for a special treat."

Fortunately or unfortunately, I have taught them that life should be celebrated. We celebrate the small things and the big things. Report cards, casts coming off, doctor visits, learning to ride a bike, school concerts, and apparently spring. My Grace has a love for life and often a care-free spirit. I admire that and often think I would be more like her as a child had I had a different environment growing up. Wanting to continue nurturing her love of life, I had to agree, today felt like the beginning of spring and should be celebrated. So off to Dunkin Donuts we went. We planned to sit outside but apparently Dunkin Donuts does not believe spring is officially here as the outdoor chairs are still in storage. We went to the park instead. I was planning on going there after school anyway to let the kids burn off some energy.

If it's spring like here in R-Town, I bet it's spring where you are! Enjoy the nice weather!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Can't believe I am doing this....

I have been contemplating a blog for a while now. I thought it might be cathartic to write about my life, my day, or my interactions with people. Facebook has been a good start for me. I have been writing status messages for the last two years but recently have found my audience is too broad and possibly too familiar (tons of family). Rather than be one of those people that has a melt down and deletes their account (no offense to those of you who have done this), I started thinking about another outlet for my thoughts. Have you ever had those moments when you want to say something so badly but can't because too many people are listening? Recently my SIL sent me a note through Facebook saying, "This is what I really wanted to write on my status......" I could totally relate. I'm going to try this out and see how it goes. I hope you enjoy the ride along with me!